
Uh oh...what happened here.
I could've sworn I saw a website here, full of pretty useless stuff.  Where did it go?  Several changes are being made to the e-existence of myself, J.Coldstream...and in light of that, the news will be posted on the right, and the site will (for now) only contain this front page.  Thanks for visiting, hopefully some of this junk up here was able to help churn up the mud in our minds and to help sift through it to find something useful.  As mentioned earlier, news is on the right.

::: the latest :::
The wave of subsequent changes has rendered my ability to update the website limited, and, in light of recent and upcoming events, I will be unable to keep up with such an endeavour.  In it's stead, this little corner of the e-universe will not contain much, though if something were to be published online, this is where you would find it.  I will be able to keep up with only the most important news, and thus, will post it when it becomes relevant.  There are things on the horizon, but that horizon is still a ways away.  I'd suggest a monthly visit to scour the changes...

"Truth be told, I never much liked country music anyway..."